Centros Comerciales

  • Technologies:
  • Django logo

The Centros Comerciales website is the front page of the printed & online magazine, with daily updates for Spanish shopping center industry major headlines. The online web page allows daily contents, the full record of Centros Comerciales magazines, and video content.


Associación Española de Centros Comerciales (AECC) // Iberinmo S.L.

AECC is the shopping center industry association joining all the shopping centre owners and main retailers. Centros Comerciales is the editorial brand of AECC and partnerships with Iberinmo for the publishing of Centros Comerciales magazine and website


Using Django and Django Rest Framework to deliver a solid backend, with a great ORM and fast developing admin interface.

Frontend wise this solution uses the popular React, with a number of techniques common with react and some specific to link it to Django.

Technology highlights also include Masonry.

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