Observatorio Inmobiliario

  • Technologies:
  • Django logo
  • Wagtail logo

Observatorio Inmobiliário website is the front page of the printed magazine, with daily updates for Spanish real estate major headlines. The online web page allows daily contents, the full record of Observatorio Inmobiliario magazines, video content and a platform for events.


Observatorio Inmobiliario // Iberinmo S.L.

Observatorio Inmobiliario is part of Iberinmo, leading Iberian publisher for real estate. In Observatorio Inmobiliario you will find the latest news about the Spanish real estate. Founded in 2005 in Madrid, it is now one of the most prestigious media of the sector in Spain, offering a permanently updated web page, the Semana Inmobiliaria newsletter, a printed magazine with a wide range of themes and a compelling agenda of events.


Built with the powerful Django CMS Wagtail this is an editorial website.
There was a need to import content from Observatorio's previous website that was made with WordPress, using python scripts we successfully imported +5000 pages of content.

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