Vida Imobiliária

UX | Media
  • Technologies:
  • Django logo
  • Wagtail logo

A good website is now the central place for any media company and this is no exception. This is the latest version of it, we have developed several versions over the years, mainly evolving in terms of design, but also improving technologically and in content quality.


Vida Imobiliária // Iberinmo S.L.

With over 20 years of experience, Vida Imobiliária is the reference publication for Portuguese real estate professionals and the market leader in information and events dedicated to this sector in Portugal. Aimed at a professional audience, it follows in detail all the news updates in the sector through its monthly printed magazine, website, e-news, awards and events. Vida Imobiliária’s editorial seal is also present in the Público Imobiliário newspaper.


Media websites were the primary goal of Django, this project leverage on that, as well as Django Rest Framework to deliver a solid backend, with a great ORM and fast-developing admin interface.

Frontend wise this solution uses the popular React, with a number of techniques common with react and some specific to link it to Django.

SEO optimization is a big concern, so over the latest months, a number of improvements are still undergoing.

Technology highlights also include Masonry.

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